Core Purpose Psychotherapy Can Help Manage Your Depression

Depression is a mood disorder that impacts our thoughts, feelings and actions. People who are depressed might think that they are stuck in their lives and are overwhelmed by negative emotions, such a sadness or guilt.
Some common traits associated with depression are negative beliefs about themselves and the world, and a general state of hopelessness and helplessness. Some common thoughts are, “I am stuck and there is no way out of this,” “Nothing and no one can help me,” “The world is unfair, and there is nothing I can do.”
If people find enough facts to support such negative beliefs, they will get pulled deeper into their depression.
The worst thing people can tell themselves is that they are alone, and that no one can help them. Coming out of depression is often difficult and it can go unnoticed for a long time. Only 51% of those who suffer from depression seek help, and many live with depression for many years without knowing they are suffering from it.
The bottom line is that people know deep down that something isn’t right, and only they can decide whether now is the time to do something about it.
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Psychotherapy Services
Covered by Insurance

Somatic Therapy
Mind Body Spirit connection
Access to traumatic material in an empowering way
Effective with most mental health symptoms, such as
anxiety, depression and anger.